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Our Initiatives

​​​​​Initiatives of The Housing Bank in CSR

Community Service Initiatives

The Housing Bank pays special attention to community service through support and sponsorship of different voluntary, charitable, and social activities to embody social responsibility and established the mission of the Bank in community service.

The Bank seeks support from voluntary organizations and charities to enable them to provide valuable services to target groups. In this context, the Bank contributed in providing support for a number of these organizations, including Tkiyet Um Ali (TUA),  Association of the Deaf & Dump, Goodwill Campaign, Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization  (JHCO),  SOS villages, orphanages, and nursing homes, in addition to the Bank's commitment to national duty through government cash subsidy disbursement as an allowance of fuel prices increase.
Health Initiatives


Health initiatives are at the top of priorities of social activities of the Housing Bank, through contributing in many activities and initiatives to support and sponsor the heal and environmental sector. The Bank provided support and assistance to institutions and organizations concerned with medical and health care, such as King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF),  Jordan Medical Aid for Palestinians,  Cerebral Palsy Foundation (CPF), Friends of Liver Disease  Patients Society,  Jordanian Fibromyalgia Association,  and International Thalassemia Day.   Further, the Bank organizes periodic campaigns to donate blood in cooperation with the Blood Bank.
Economic Conferences and Forums Support 


The Housing Bank supports public economic conferences and conferences held by universities and participates in the agenda of these conferences through the provision of relevant worksheets.
The Banks also contributes actively to public economic conferences and forums held to discuss economic, investment, and financial matters and issues in order o strengthen national capacity in these areas.

The Bank is a major supporter of Jordanian universities in scientific conferences organized by these universities, especially those related to banking, economic, and investment matters.

The contribution of the Bank in the support of these activities and events is not limited to the provision of financial and logistical support only, but the Bank is often engaged in worksheets presented by experts and specialists at the Bank and participates in committees emanating from these conferences.
Culture and Art Initiatives

The Bank contributed in the support of cultural, intellectual, and artistic events and activities in the Kingdom, such as Arab Thought Forum, Jordanian Writers Society,  National Music Conservatory, Jarash Festival, Amman Summer Festival,  Arab Center for Heritage and Culture, in addition to the sponsorship of Art and Nature Form organized by Royal Society of Fine Arts.

Environment and Traffic Safety Initiatives

The Bank seeks to support traffic awareness campaigns and initiatives of safety on roads, aiming at achieving the National Strategy to Reduce Traffic Accidents, and raising traffic awareness among different segments of society, including: "Their place.. Their Right" initiative,  Third Arab Session on Dealing with the Blind, and sponsorship of Arab Traffic Week, in addition to many initiatives aiming at raising traffic awareness among citizens and drivers.
Sport Initiatives

The Housing Bank pays the sports and youth sector special attention through its permanent and ongoing support of various sports teams and different ages and groups to contribute to the development of the sports sector in the community. The Bank is involved through Quinary Football Team in many local championships, in addition, to supporting of the Al-Thahereyah football team and sponsorship of many sporting events for school students.
Branching Initiatives

The Bank's objective in increasing branches , which reached 117 branches until the end of 2012, is to demonstrate its existence in disadvantaged areas to contribute to the development and improve the economic and social level of these areas.  The existence of a branch of the Bank in an area is a catalyst for various enterprises and business activities in this area.
Bank's Initiatives Toward its Staff

The Bank perseveres in honoring its senior staff and holds regular honoring ceremonies for employees who spend 15 years in the service of the Bank, and employees who obtained academic and practical degrees. The management of the Bank is also keen to strengthen bonds of interdependence among employees on different occasions and holidays, and it is always concerned with capacity building through training courses in various areas and specialties