Security Tip: Don’t share your personal or banking information with any unreliable party!

Accessibility and technical requirements

Housing Bank for Trade and Finance is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience

We are always working to increase the accessibility and usability of this website and in doing so, adhere to internationally accepted standards and guidelines.

This website endeavours to meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) . The guidelines, drawn up by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), explain how to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities. We seek to ensure that this website is accessible to people who use assistive technology like screen readers and speech-input software and those unable to use a mouse or a pointing device.

Accessibility Features on this site include:

  • Strong colour contrasts
  • Flexible page layout is (it resizes according to the width of your device)
  • Headings are used correctly to make them readable through screen readers
  • Tag PDF files with an icon on this site to provide basic accessibility to them
  • Enable the possibility of enlarging and reducung the font size for the website pages
  • Enable the possibility of printing pages

This site has been built using code complaint with W3C standars for HTML and CSS. The site displays corectly in current browsers and using standards -complaint HTML/CSS code means any future browsers will also display it correctly.

ATM machines

The bank provides Accessibility to use ATM machines for customers with disabilities without any difficulties and complications, as follows:-

  •  Providing ATMs with a height that suits the use of clients with disabilities
  •  Providing ATMs supported with a Braille keyboard or in a way that enables the identification of numbers.
  • the Bank is currently working on providing the feature of voice services within the ATM machine

Technical Requirements (Hardware & Software) for Internet Banking (Iskan Online - Retail)

1. Browser Software

  • Google Chrome (62.x,63.x, 64.x)
  • Mozilla Firefox (56.x, 57.x, 58.x)
  • Apple Safari ( 11.x)
  • Microsoft Edge (14.x, 15.x)

2. Operating System

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8, 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • MAC OS 10.10
  • MAC OS 10.12.X

3. Screen Resolution

  • 1024 x 768 pixels and above


The bank provides special ramps and slopes for people with special needs in many branches, and there are also independent offices through which to provide the service to the customer