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Sunday 2 May 2021

The Housing Bank Renews its Strategic Partnership with Tkiyet Um Ali


The Housing Bank, announced that it has renewed its partnership agreement with Tkiyet Um Ali, a move that is in line with its belief in the importance of offering support to humanitarian institutions and non-profit organizations. Through its continued partnership with the Housing Bank, Tkiyet Um Ali will be able to maintain its sustainable food support program in its continued efforts to eradicate food poverty in Jordan.  

The Housing Bank and Tkiyet Um Ali have long had a strategic partnership agreement between them, which stipulates that the bank offers sustainable support for the organization through its corporate social responsibility program as a means of positively contributing to promoting sustainable development in the country.  

Through the renewed agreement, the Housing Bank will offer monthly food parcels to less fortunate families for an entire year, in addition to covering the cost of 200 food parcels to be distributed during the holy month of Ramadan to beneficiaries of the organization's food program.

Commenting on this renewed partnership, Housing Bank CEO Ammar Al-Safadi said, "We are proud to continue our partnership with Tkiyet Um Ali, a humanitarian institution that has taken on the responsibility of combating hunger and food poverty in the Kingdom, reaching a sizeable segment of low-income families nationwide." Al-Safadi also spoke of the challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, which have added an even greater responsibility to the organization.

Al-Safadi went on to explain that the Housing Bank's corporate social responsibility program is a main pillar of the bank's strategy, working together with organizations and institutions on initiatives that work to increase inclusivity and equality within Jordanian society while simultaneously implementing and furthering its institutional ethos.

Al-Safadi spoke of the extensive efforts made by Tkiyet Um Ali since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the Kingdom, which saw the organization increase its scope of work in its efforts to respond to the exceptional circumstances. He stressed the importance of continued and continuous concerted efforts to support Tkiyet Um Ali, especially during these difficult times.

Director General of Tkiyet Um Ali Samer Balqar said, "We prize our partnership with the Housing Bank, and appreciate its ongoing support for our programs and initiatives that work to combat food poverty in the Kingdom. Through its support, the Housing Bank has contributed to the continuation of Tkiyet Um Ali's mission, which is currently facing new challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. By forging strategic partnerships such as this one with the Housing Bank, we aim to actualize our vision of achieving a Jordan free from hunger."

Tkiyet Um Ali is a non-governmental and non-profit organization established in 2003 with the aim of combating food poverty in Jordan. It works to provide monthly food support to families living below the food poverty line in all governorates of the Kingdom, delivering monthly food parcels throughout the year containing foodstuffs that meet the family's nutritional needs.

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