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Monday 9 November 2020

Housing Bank releases the annual sustainability report 2019


The Housing Bank, the largest and most widely spread bank in the Kingdom, has issued its Annual Sustainability Report for 2019 entitled (Committed to Sustainability) in accordance with global standards. The report, which outlines the bank’s leading role and institutional approach to integrate the concept of sustainability in all its economic, social and environmental aspects, was ratified by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and was drafted in line with the highest standards and guiding principles of the initiative and those of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

 The Housing Bank adopts a stringent approach to sustainability in its overall policies and operations, and has committed to applying governance practices that encompass the highest degrees of accountability and transparency based on its responsibility towards its employees, as well as commitment to its customers, society, the environment and future generations.

 In 2019, the Housing Bank realized good results in sustainability in a variety of services, contributions, and initiatives that encompassed the environment, the community, education and athletics, stemming from the firm belief that sustainability is a critical aspect of business management and that the sector’s participation in the communities within which it operates accomplishes sustainable development and economic growth.

 Commenting on the report, Housing Bank CEO Ammar Al-Safadi, said, (This year’s sustainability report is testimony to the bank’s success in achieving a balance between its leading position within Jordan’s banking sector and its commitment to applying the highest global standards of governance, transparency and accountability.) He went on to say that realizing sustainability is everyone’s responsibility, adding that the Housing Bank will continue to work towards enhancing its sustainability contributions in Jordanian society.

 The sustainability report, which is issued in its third consecutive year, outlined the Housing Bank’s achievements for 2019, raising awareness and acknowledging the importance of sustainability, as well as highlighting the importance of cooperation between all segments of Jordanian society in order to have positive impact.

 In 2017 the Housing Bank issued its first sustainability report that highlighted the bank’s social, economic and environmental practices, as well as the applications of the principles of sustainability throughout all the bank’s offices and branches, nationwide.


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