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Sunday 10 November 2019

Organized by Jordan Basketball Federation (JBF) Housing Bank Basketball Premier League 2019-2020 Kicks off in Amman


The Housing Bank, the largest and most widespread bank in Jordan, has announced its sponsorship of the Jordanian Premier Basketball League 2019-2020, which kicked off earlier this month, under the title 'The Housing Bank Basketball Premier League', and will continue until the end of January next year, with professional teams competing for the title at Al Hussein Youth City/ Prince Hamzah Hall, and at Al Hassan Hall in Irbid.

The Housing Bank's sponsorship of this event stems from its role as a national institution that supports the youth and sports sectors, and is in line with the Bank's faith in Jordanian youth who are an important part of the country's national fabric. The Housing Bank believes in the ability of this age group to bring about positive change for the society. The Bank also believes it is essential to develop and integrate young talents and capabilities within various community and sports activities.

In recognition of its role and responsibility towards various segments of the society, the Housing Bank's support of the Premier Basketball League is part of its social responsibility and confirms the Bank's keenness to cooperate with the Jordan Basketball Federation (JBF) to give national teams and clubs the support they need to grow and develop their capabilities.

On his part, the Jordan Basketball Federation (JBF) stressed the importance of this sponsorship, hoping it will continue year after year, and praised the Housing Bank's confidence in the actions undertaken by the Federation's Interim Committee since its formation to restore the spirit of basketball locally and achieve victories in Asia and internationally, hoping that this sponsorship will develop into a strategic partnership in the years to come to improve the overall level of basketball in Jordan.

It is worth mentioning that the Housing Bank's sponsorship of the Premier Basketball League this season came in conjunction with the remarkable achievements of Jordan national basketball team in the 2019 Basketball World Cup in China, and in recognition of the efforts of the Federation in the revival and support of Jordanian basketball, as well as the expansion of its popularity base to include various age groups and channel their energies towards health and sports.

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