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Sunday 1 March 2020

Housing Bank Launches New Savings Account Prizes Campaign for 2020

In line with its policy to promote a savings culture among its customers and reward them for their loyalty and trust, Housing Bank has launched a new promotional campaign for savings account prizes for 2020. 

As part of its role as a leader in this field in the Jordanian banking sector, Housing Bank strives to offer the best prizes on savings accounts that are in line with instructions by the Central Bank of Jordan regarding savings account prizes for the current year.

The launch of this prizes campaign, which grants any savings account of 100 dinars and more the chance to enter the draw for savings account prizes across its various categories, in a step to enhance the services the Bank provides to its existing customers and to attract new customers. The campaign also aims to increase the number of winners by announcing a new winner every hour during official working hours, from 9:00AM until 3:00PM, with seven winners daily, in addition to the Bank's quarterly, half-year, and end-of-year prizes.

The 2020 savings account prizes campaign by Housing Bank offers many prizes, including daily prizes for seven lucky winners, at a value of 999 dinars each; a quarterly prize every three months for two winners, at a value of 25,000 dinars each, to be announced at the end of March, June, September, and December; a half-year prize for two winners, at a value of 75,000 dinars each, to be announced at the end of June; and an end-of-year prize for two winners, at a value of 100,000 dinars each, which will be announced at the end of December.

These prizes are a result of the special attention Housing Bank gives its savings account customers, as it always seeks to launch one-of-a-kind award campaigns that reflect the aspirations of customers who chose to trust Housing Bank for the comprehensive and unique banking services it provides.

Prize campaigns on savings accounts promote a savings culture among existing and new customers, as a way for them to create better and more stable living conditions.

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