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Monday 24 August 2020

The Housing Bank Launches the Corporate Happiness Initiative

The Housing Bank, the largest and widest spread bank in Jordan, has recently launched the Corporate Happiness Initiative, a move that is directly in line with its strategy to create a productive and stimulating work environment for its employees. The initiative, which is run out of a dedicated unit, will work to instill the principle of productive and successful employees in the work place by designing a positive, creative and innovative environment.

 The Corporate Happiness Initiative, which is a manifestation of the Housing Bank’s firm belief that employees are a fundamental pillar of the bank, aims to invest efforts into cultivating various avenues for happiness through an appealing and stimulating work environment, which will ultimately result in positive organizational outcomes for the bank and the realization of its strategic goals.

 In order to achieve that goal, the initiative will be prioritized as a tangible reality at the bank at all administrative levels, a move that will involve the acknowledgement of positivity as a basic value in recognition of its effective impact on employees, the bank’s clients as well as the quality of services it provides.

 Creating the sense of connection and engagement within the bank will have a direct impact on employee loyalty and happiness, as well as work to strengthen the bonds of communication, cooperation and team work. This will, in addition to realizing intellectual and mental integration between employees and their work environment, boost positivity, participation, loyalty, belonging, and responsibility.

 The bank has tasked a team from the Corporate Happiness Unit, as well as a number of happiness ambassadors in various departments and branches, who will work to implement initiative’s strategy, which includes programs, activities, and events aimed at establishing means of communication, visibility and connectedness. The unit has also developed a matrix that is updated regularly in order to measure organizational outcomes and their impact on the bank, its employees, and its customers.

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