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Friday 5 February 2016

Housing Bank Launches Savings Account Rewards Campaign 2017 Leads Banking Sector with Rewards, Diversity and Number of Winners



​The Housing Bank announced the launch of its 2017 rewards campaign for savings accounts, the largest and most diverse program of its kind in the Jordanian banking sector.

 The campaign is based on the Housing Bank's strategy that aims to reinforce the benefits of savings for its customers while simultaneously offering them rewards and showing them appreciation. Additionally, the campaign creates the opportunity for continuous communication between customers and the bank, which is the fundamental reason that the Housing Bank continues to maintain its leading position in the local banking sector in terms of the value, quantity, frequency and diversity of its rewards.

 The campaign, which was launched under the theme of (Anything Is Possible…Your Dream Is In Your Hand), includes a JD999 daily reward offered to nine winners, one all-new Mitsubishi Pajero given away weekly, JD100,000 offered once a month to one winner, as well as a special Ramadan promotion that sees one kilogram of gold given away each day.

 Furthermore, the Housing Bank will later announce the details and value of one more exceptional prize, which will be selected in a draw at the end of this year. Through its rewards program, the bank remains the largest with respect to the number of daily winners and the number of in-kind prizes, whether weekly, monthly or during the holy month of Ramadan. In another first, the Housing Bank will also be offering a grand prize of the highest value for the year 2017.

 Commenting on the campaign, CEO of Housing Bank Ihab Saadi said, (We at the Housing Bank know the importance of savings accounts, and accordingly pay special attention to the rewards program because we appreciate the loyalty and trust of our customers in the bank's varied and exceptional services. Our rewards are aimed at fulfilling the aspirations and wishes of the winners and at making a positive difference in the course of their lives, while simultaneously bringing them joy. The Housing Bank's savings account campaign program is a real manifestation of the objective we aspire to achieve).

Saadi went on to affirm the importance of entrenching and encouraging the culture of saving among citizens in general and the bank's customers specifically, particularly since the chances of winning rise with an increase in deposits throughout the campaign. 



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