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Thursday 7 February 2019

Housing Bank Gold Sponsor of Jordan Digital Transformation Forum for Banking and Government Sectors

The Housing Bank, the largest and most widespread bank in Jordan, has announced its gold sponsorship of the Jordan Digital Transformation Forum for Banking and Government sectors, which was organized by the Information and Communications Technology Association (int@j).

The Forum, which was held under the patronage of the Governor of the Central Bank of Jordan Dr. Ziad Fariz, took place on Tuesday 5 February 2019 at the Sheraton Amman Al Nabil Hotel, and was attended by representatives from the Housing Bank. The Forum examined ways to support digital transformation in the banking and government sectors, and gave an in-depth perspective of how to activate technology to serve this transformation. The Forum further discussed the challenges and obstacles that hinder digital transformation through a series of sessions that included service providers and experts in this field.  

Commenting on the Bank's support and participation, Housing Bank CEO Ammar Al-Safadi stressed the importance of holding this Forum to support Jordan's efforts to transform its economy from a knowledge economy to a digital economy, noting that Jordanian banks have been able to digitize banking transactions and make them accessible to all segments and categories of the society, with the support of the Central Bank of Jordan's National Financial Inclusion Strategy and the Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022.

Al-Safadi pointed out the many advantages economic sectors in Jordan would reap once digital transformation programs are adopted, leading to financial and economic stability in the country.

According to Al-Safadi, the digital transformation that the world is witnessing, including Jordan, requires local banks to be at the forefront of organizations that adopt and invest in digital transformation, and keep up with the changing needs of their customers through digital adoption.   

Al-Safadi said that the Housing Bank is among the first banks in Jordan to launch electronic platforms such as ATMs, its Iskan Online, Iskan Mobile, and 'Talking Bank', and its 24/7 call center. "The Housing Bank strives, through these platforms, to support the Jordan's efforts to benefit from the fourth industrial revolution, build a smart economy based on innovation, and reinforce and enrich the customer's experience by providing electronic banking services and solutions that can be used anywhere and at any time."


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