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Tuesday 30 January 2018

Housing Bank achieves pre-tax profits of JOD 180 million in 2017

The Housing Bank for Trade and Finance (HBTF) continued to achieve strong performance results despite the ongoing circumstances and challenges facing the region. During 2017, the bank's pre-tax profits amounted JOD 180 million compared to JOD 190 million in 2016, while net profits after tax amounted of JOD 125 million as compared to JOD 131 million in previous year. Total comprehensive income amounted of JOD 133 million as compared to JOD 102 million in previous year.

Commenting on these results, Housing Bank Chairman Abdel Elah Al-Khatib declared that the bank's board of directors met on 25/1/2018, where they discussed and approved the financial statement for the year-end 2017. The Board of Directors has recommended to the bank's general assembly to distribute dividends to shareholders equal to 20% of  the paid in  capital for the year  2017   (equivalent to 25% of  the  paid in  capital as of 31/12/2016 before shares distribution).

Al Khatib expressed his satisfaction with the performance of the Bank and affirmed his continued contribution to the national economy. He added, the Bank ranked the second position in the market capitalization indicator with market value equals JOD 2.6 billion, representing 16% of the total market capitalization of listed companies on the Amman Stock Exchange. Total equity grew by 5.3% to JOD1.1 billion, with a remarkable return on equity and assets. Return on assets was 1.6% and return on equity was 11.5%.

CEO of Housing Bank Ihab Saadi said that if the non-recurring profits from the Bank's operating activity were excluded, pre-tax profits would have grown by 5% percent in 2017. He added that the bank's results confirm the soundness and strength of the Bank's financial position, assets increased by 4.1% to JOD 8.1 billion at the end of 2017. Customer deposits grew by 3.2% to JOD 5.8 billion. Total credit facilities increased by 4.1% to JOD 4.5 billion. The Bank's market capitalization value increased by JOD 293 million i.e.  12.5%.

Al Saadi expressed his satisfaction with these indicators, adding that the performance achieved reflects the strength of the Bank's solvency, the soundness and quality of its credit portfolio and the strength of its capital base. The capital adequacy ratio was 17.4%, the liquidity ratio was 127%,  both higher than the minimum  rates required by the Central Bank of Jordan, Non-performing loan ratio was 4% and the ratio of net loans to customer deposits was 72.2%.

In the area of expansion and external presence, the Bank has continued to improve the level of its services by strengthening its various distribution channels. Four new branches were opened in Jordan in 2017 to reach 130 branches supported by 229 ATMs. Two new branches were opened in Palestine to reach 15 branches. On the other hand, a new branch of the specialized leasing company was opened in the city of Aqaba to be add to its branches in Amman and Irbid. The number of branches of the Housing Bank Group, locally and abroad, is 185 branches in Jordan, Syria, Algeria, the United Kingdom and Palestine and Bahrain, as well as representation offices in Iraq, the United Arab Emirates and Libya.

During the year 2017, the Bank received four awards from regional and global institutions, in recognition of the quality and diversity of its banking products and services.

"These results are preliminary and not yet approved by the Central Bank of Jordan".

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